
We Love SOMA (3) Miserable Farmer Staying in Iitate Village (Section 1)

Good morning dear of the World!


Yesterday, I visited to HOSOKAWA farm in Iitate Village of Fukushima prefecture Japan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iitate,_Fukushima) to know the effects on horses as reported before.

As you may not know, all people of Iitate village were forced to be evacuated for other place by Japanese government at just after the 3.11 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3.11). However Mr. Hosokawa as the president of Hosokawa farm is still staying alone in the village to care his horses and cows by himself. His name is Tokuei Hosokawa. "Tokuei" means advancement of virtue in Japanese, so his name should really be respected. 


Because I'm staying in Haramachi district, Minami Soma city as neighbor of Iitate village, I performed measurement of radioactivity in the air on the driving way to the farm from Minami Soma city, using the survey meter given from the public office


The measured score are showed in below. All score are showed as microSV/h. If the each score was higher than 0.3, we have risk to be suffered with cancer, and if it was higher than 0.5, we have to evacuate as soon as possible!

私が住むアパートの部屋の中は極めて低い値でした。実際の数値は下に示す通りです。単位は全てmicroSv/hです。0.5 microSV/h以上は明らかに危険です。

0.10 microSv/h(部屋の中)(in my room)
0.19 microSv/h(部屋の外)(outside of my room)
0.22 microSv/h(南相馬市役所駐車場)(at the parking lot of Minami Soma city public office)
0.47  microSv/h(常磐自動車道高架付近)(near the Jhoban Highway)
0.97 microSv/h(県道12号線沿いのドライブイン)(A rest house on the road No.12)
1.59 microSv/h(チェーン着脱所、八木沢峠の手前)(An area for putting snow chains for car)
0.77 microSv/h(八木沢バス停)(Yagisawa bus stop)
1.09 microSv/h(赤坂バス停)(Akasaka bus stop)
0.73 microSv/h(飯舘村公民館)(The community hole for the people of Iidate village)
3.20 microSv/h(細川牧場)(Hosokawa farm, where the horses are living)
0.30 microSv/h(細川さん自宅内)(in his house)

To visualize such differences of the radioactivity on each area, I have shown all the score on the map of Fukushima prefecture eastern area. As you must know from the map, Iitate village must not be habitable zone not only for people, but also for animals.


Mr. Hosokawa were serving over 60 horses for Soma Nomaoi Festival every year. And also, he is the third generation of the family as the president of the farm.



The story about the misery section 1 is the end. As the next, I would like to show some pictures of dead horses by the pollution of radioactive materials. However, they are quite terrible, so I'm really worrying about the validity to show, even he has allowed to open such information to the World.


And finally, I will show some interviews of Mr. Hosokawa for the people staying in other places.

細川牧場 細川徳栄さん

Tokuei Hosokawa in Hosokawa Farm.
123-1, Usuishiaza town, Aza, Iitate village, Soma district, Fukushima prefecture, Japan 960-1633
Mobile +81-90-9742-3141

See you again!! May The Force Be With You!! (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars).


Hayato Minamoto as a biologist, a scientist, and a horse rider. 

源 隼人(sammyclickpress@gmail.com

What is Life?  (http://sammyclickpresswhatislife.blogspot.com/)is my first blog about Biology, please visit to the blog know What Life Is?

生き物って何だろう?と思ったらWhat is Life?というブログもどうぞ。

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